Azure Integration
Integration guide for Resmo Azure Integration.
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Integration guide for Resmo Azure Integration.
Last updated
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Resmo seamlessly integrates with Azure to ensure the security and compliance of your Azure environment.
Collect all your Azure assets in place.
Query your networks, storage, virtual machines, and 50+ other resources.
Set up rule notifications based on Azure resource configurations and their changes.
Set up custom or predefined rules for continuous security and compliance auditing.
Check your Azure security and compliance posture using the Azure Best Practices and compliance packs.
Resmo has an Azure integration that you can install securely once you sign up for a Resmo account. Our application uses API calls to make the initial polling and receive existing resources.
Resmo Azure integration collects Network, Compute, Storage, and much more.
Find Security Center subscriptions per tier
Detect virtual networks without DDoS protection
Identify virtual network VM protection
List DNS zones with public access
See network security groups without subnets
List subscriptions managed by other tenants
You can follow the instructions to create a Service Principal in an Azure shell/terminal.
>az ad sp create-for-rbac --role Reader
Example Output:
"appId": "###appId###", // Client Id
"displayName": "azure-cli-2022-04-13-14-04-21",
"password": "#####", // Client Secret
"tenant": "###tenantId###" // Tenant Id
Find objectId of the principal
az ad sp show --id ###appId### --query objectId
Give your key vault read permission access to the created service principal with objectId
az keyvault set-policy --name ###vaultName### \
--object-id ###objectId### --secret-permissions get list \
--key-permissions get list --certificate-permissions get list
az role assignment create --assignee ###appId### --role Reader --scope /subscriptions/###subscriptionId###
How to install
Sign up or log in to your Resmo account.
Go to the Integrations page and select Azure.
Click the Add Integration button from the bottom right corner of the opening modal.
Fill configuration fields with the created Service Principal in Setup Your Azure Account
5. Hit the create button, and you are ready to run queries.
Login to your Resmo account.
Navigate to the Integrations page and click your Azure integration.
Go to the Connected Integrations tab from the opening modal and select the one you want to remove.
Click the Delete button to uninstall or Disable to stop polling Azure resources temporarily.
(Optional) Delete the created Service Principal from App Registrations on your Azure Portal.